Safe Shopping

The website has an SSL certificate to ensure that you will buy in complete safety.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS are standard protocols that have the role of encrypting communication between users and the site that has such a certificate installed.

Our certificate secures the exchange of information between the user and the browser, exchanges that can be information about bank cards or any other private data.

Thus, the data transmitted by you to our site is encrypted, which prevents the interception of data on the transmission route.

This certificate gives you the assurance that your login to the site is secure, just like any other activity you do on the site. An information once encrypted, can only be decrypted by the server to which it is addressed. The use of the certificate can be easily verified as a small lock appears next to the link.

Also, an SSL secured address starts with https and not http.

Note: in the case of online card payments, the payment is made through our partner MobilPay. Thus we have no contact with your payment data.

Entering personal data for orders or creating a new account on our website is a protected, encrypted activity so that you can safely buy our products.

Indira will ensure that the delivery is made in good conditions and in full confidentiality to the address indicated by you. Indira makes sure that, once the order is completed, the products are carefully prepared and packed before shipping.